Residential Waste and Recycling
We offer fully automated weekly waste removal and Single Stream Recycling in Bethlehem, Delmar, Slingerlands, Selkirk, Glenmont, Guilderlands, Ravena, Coeymans, New Baltimore, and surrounding communities.
Click Here for Town of New Scotland Waste Removal Information
See our eco-friendly automated truck!
Waste Tips:
-Please place refuse and recycling out the night before your collection day.
-If possible, place your refuse cart on one side of your driveway and your recycling cart on the opposite side. Otherwise, place your containers at least 2 feet apart.
-Please place refuse and recycling carts 1 foot from the street with the handle facing your house. It is very important that the refuse and recycling carts are placed 4 feet away from any poles, mailboxes, parked cars or other obstacles.
Watch our split truck pick up trash AND recycling.
Recycling Tips:
-Please put your recycling cart out only when full. Dumping carts with small amounts of recyclables wastes fuel and other natural resources.
-Please break down or cut up large cardboard boxes and place them INSIDE your recycling cart if possible.
Single Stream Recycling Guidelines
No Sorting is necessary. All your clean plastics, glass, tin, aluminum, magazines, cardboard and paper can go into your recycling cart.